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Past Events

Donation Drive
Naperville Area Humane Society
Naperville, IL
Last month we collected cat food and toys for the kitties at the Naperville Area Humane Society! And drumroll please…..🥁🥁 With the help from our generous clients, we were able to donate over 2️⃣0️⃣0️⃣ MEALS FOR THE CATS! 🙀❤️ Thank you to our clients for taking the time to come in and drop off donations. You mean the world to us - and the cats!
To view the adoptable cats at Naperville Area Humane Society, click here 👉 https://www.naperhumane.org/adopt-a-cat
Group Volunteering
Loaves and Fishes
Naperville, IL
We had a blast volunteering at Loaves and Fishes in Naperville! Wheatland staff packed over 70 cars with groceries for residents in need! Loaves & Fishes is an anti-poverty hunger relief association. Their mission is to end hunger and transform lives by providing healthy food and impactful programs.
Group Volunteering
Breakthrough Ministries
Chicago, IL
We had the privilege of preparing and serving a meal at the men’s transitional shelter at Breakthrough Chicago! 30+ men enjoyed our yummy meal - chili dogs, cornbread, fruit salad and apple pie for dessert! Breakthrough is an organization that partners with those affected by poverty to build connections, develop skills, and open doors of opportunity.
Donation Drive
For The People and Pets of Ukraine
We want to say a big THANK YOU to our generous clients, friends and family for making our drive for the people and pets of Ukraine a HUGE success! We collected over 35 bags of dry pet food and boxes full of medical supplies!
Help Heroes of Ukraine is a charity organization, founded in 2022 by leaders of major Ukrainian logistics and transportation companies in the USA.